Outdoor Adventures club plans full itinerary of semester events

Outdoor Adventures club opened sign-ups for eight upcoming trips sponsored by Campus Recreation as a part of their new semester initiative. 

Among the excursions are the Mustang Island Beach camping trip, Lady Bird lake clean-up and climbing at the Greenbelt. The student-run program, which offers camping, climbing and other outdoor activities, has also planned events at Crux (a rock climbing gym), Enchanted Rock and Reimers Ranch.

Club president Sam Griffith said students can sign up for these events in addition to the annual winter break ski trip through the university website under Campus Recreation. 

“Joining this program gives the students the ability to see the natural beauty of Austin and all of Texas without all the hassle,” Griffith said.

Interested students can connect with trip leaders and learn more about renting outdoor equipment from Campus Recreation through the Outdoor Adventures Facebook page.

“Getting involved with us is super simple,” Griffith said. “You will be able to sign up for trips and outings online. It’s the best way to keep in touch about what we’re up to.” 

For those interested in camping or hiking without a university-sponsored group, the club also rents out university camping and outdoors items at no cost to students with a university ID.

“Austin is such a great community to find people of all kinds enjoying nature,” Griffith said. “We aim to help bring that community and the St. Edward’s community closer together.”