Student Government’s CFO to take on a larger role with funding clubs



The Student Government Association approved President Jamie Cardenas’ final pieces of legislation at their latest meeting.

The bills call upon student government to handle duties that previously fell under Student Life.

“This was a collaborative effort to leave the association in a different place — a more improved place,” said Vice President Carlos Martinez before Cardenas launched into marathon presentations on legislation including Senate Bills 12, 13 and 14.

An amendment to the Chief Financial Officer position, SB 12, hands some duties currently under the Recognized Organizations Council to next year’s CFO. Included are administrative tasks such as more office hours and meetings, and be an “advocate” for funding requests from student organizations.

The CFO for next academic year will be confirmed by the senators in the fall, when these bills go into effect.

SB 13, Student Organization Funding Process, calls for funding requests to be made a month before an organization needs them, and the requests will be reviewed during SGA meetings. In the past, ROC decided on each request.

Cardenas’ last bill, SB 14, senators will have a hands on roll in the estimated 2,800 people in student organizations. To do so, senators will be representatives for various student organizations by attending “Orgcon” at the start of the semester and regularly go to meetings.

The current administration left discretion open to the next to decide how they would prefer to divide senators to organizations. Next year’s administration, under President-elect Ben Griffith will grapple with deciding how senators will be placed in organizations, choosing whether they will be assigned, if they can choose organizations based on their interests or if organizations themselves can pick senators that they would like to have representing them.

The newly elected president, vice president and elected senators will be sworn in May 4.