
Tackling toxicity: How to fight the monster in all of us
Instead of being ashamed of toxic behavior, the first step is to bring these kinds of relationships to light. Not only does this apply to dating, but it can also apply to other relationships, be it friendship, familial or work related.

The case for Tinder: How to spark bonds
Now, you don’t have to believe in the concept of soulmates to want to improve your dating life. You just have to hope for a better experience in creating organic and meaningful romantic relationships.

It’s a small world: Hilltop break-ups hard to navigate
“If you’re breakup with someone, do it face to face. When you breakup with someone, you can still be friends with your ex, it’s just a matter of how much respect and admiration there is between you and your ex, and how mature you are as people,” Ayala said.

The case against Tinder: Save it for fires
"My issue with using Tinder to find love is fundamental. It takes two people actively searching for a partner, and that is a problem in itself. It is inorganic, and to some degree, forced."

Long distance sucks: ‘Amor de lejos, amor de pendejos’
There’s a famous saying in Spanish- Amor de lejos, Amor de pendejos. This translates to long-distance love is stupid love. For most people who have been through a long distance relationship, this saying rings true.

As memories fade, my desire for love remains
"She left me with this new knowledge about what love is, but no roadmap to finding it again."

Pro-long distance: Miles mean nothing when commitment is strong
“I have realized that I am stronger than I thought I was,” Hoang said. “Long distance is not easy, and it takes a lot of trust, communication and dedication.”

LGBT+ relationships face unique obstacles
"Although the student body is fortunate enough to have a safe space on campus for LGBT+ people and couples, once leaving the safe space of St. Edward’s, LGBT+ couples face the reality of the real world."

Navigating consent: A guide
“I think a lot of people don’t learn the right definition of consent. I think [consent] should be practiced more often, especially in college,” Hicks says.
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