RecWell morning spin classes start off the week right

Lola Claire / Hilltop Views

Instructor Jazmine Collins leads students through a Spin class, Monday, Aug. 22.

How do you usually start off a Monday morning? If your answer didn’t include attending a free workout class, courtesy of St. Edward’s RecWell, you’re missing out. 

Monday morning is not only the start to a brand new day but the start to a brand new week. Taking a free Group X class is a great way for SEU students to set the tone for their week and get that good energy flowing. 

All it takes is registering online for a class through myHilltop and showing up on time. It’s that easy. Just search “GroupX” on the myHilltop app, and it will redirect you to login with your SEU email. From there, all that’s left to do is choose a class. 

GroupX and Wellness classes offer all different kinds of workouts with various days and times available throughout the week. With many options available, students can find classes that align with their experience level and fit into their busy schedules.

However, some of the classes fill up quickly, so it’s important to get registered ahead of time. Registration for a full week’s classes opens up every Sunday at noon and stays open until the event takes place or there are no more spots available. 

This week, first thing Monday morning, I popped out of bed and made my way to the UFCU Alumni Gym. I started my week off with a spin class taught by Jazmine Collins. 

It gives you a burst of energy,” Collins said. “It’s only 30 minutes out of your day. Thirty minutes can make a difference.”

Collins welcomed students as they made their way into the spin studio, calming what nerves some may have had. Once all the students were in the studio, Collins taught us how to adjust the seats and handles, how to turn the bikes on and led us through adjusting the bikes to each student’s personal abilities. 

Jazmine Collins raises two fingers in the air to signify how much time is left in the ride. (Lola Claire / Hilltop Views)

Then, we were off!

The next 30 minutes consisted of different levels of difficulty with slower breaks in between. Certain sections of the workout were slower and included some standing while we pedaled. Other sections were much faster, with the tension turned all the way up so that we really felt the burn. 

As class ended, each student slowly made their way off of the bikes and onto the floor for a brief instructor-led stretch to finish off the workout. 

Collins’  class absolutely made a difference in my week. Such a big difference, in fact, that I managed to convince my roommate and a friend to tag along later in the week. 

I highly recommend taking an 8 a.m. spin class, especially on a Monday morning. Join me for the next one!