Q&A with Ana Boyd Diaz

Q and A with Ana Boyd Diaz

So, who are you?

My name is Ana Lorena Boyd Diaz and I’m a freshman here at St. Edward’s University. I am majoring in Art, but I haven’t decided yet what I want to specify my studies in.

How long have you been dancing?

I’ve been dancing since I was two years old.

What is your dancing background?

I started dancing at a school in Panama called Pointe Centro de Danza, and I loved it. I started doing competitions, and I actually got to compete at the Youth American Grand Prix. I ended up winning a scholarship there to continue my dance studies in Moscow, Russia with the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and now I dance at Ballet Austin.

*The Youth American Grand Prix is the world’s largest and one of the most prestigious international student dance competitions in the world; it awards $250,000 in scholarships each year to dance schools and students to provide educational and professional opportunities to young dancers.

*The Bolshoi Ballet Academy located in Moscow, Russia is one of the oldest and most prestigious schools of ballet in the world.

What made you decide to come here to St. Edward’s?

I wanted to come to this school because St. Edward’s actually has a partnership with Ballet Austin. Now I can go to school full time and still do ballet.

You said that you are currently taking ballet classes. How do you manage your time here as a full time student while being part of a ballet company?

I take my ballet classes from 9 am to 2 pm every day and take afternoon classes at St. Edward’s. I have a pretty busy schedule but school and dance are both things I’m passionate about, so I can make time for both.

What are your career goals?

Ultimately, I want to dance in a company for the rest of my life. After that, I would probably want to become a teacher.

How do you think dancing has impacted you as a person? Did dancing help you build character or find a sense of self?

I can’t really explain it, but yes. It has made me find a sense of self. For me, dance represents something that makes me whole, lets me be who I am. Dancing is the best way for me to express myself, my emotions and my thoughts. Even on the toughest days the only thing that helps me forget all the problems and helps me meditate about the positive things in life is dance. The combination of music and the movement of my body is the perfect mix to create a medium that expresses every single part of me.

Lastly, are you going to be in any shows in the near future?

I’ll be in the Nutcracker this December.