Louis C.K. connects with audience through timeless humor


His frankness and ability to shed light on a dark reality make him a good conversationalist. 

If laughter was truly the best medicine, Louis C.K.’s new special, “Live at the Comedy Store,” would cure at least one form of cancer.

C.K.’s sixth hour-long special is available for $5 on his website. That’s an amazing deal when the second funniest thing you can buy for $5 is an “I will not be your father” condom. Plus, everyone knows condoms fail way more than C.K.’s jokes.

Louis C.K. just gets you. Even though I’m not an overweight, balding, divorced, ginger man, I identify with him. Some of his jokes are youthful and timeless.

His frankness and ability to shed light on a dark reality make him a good conversationalist. The way he gesticulates and the embellishments he puts into his stories make him ingeniously hilarious.

One thing that makes C.K. relatable in general is his background. He didn’t make it to fame on accident. Like you and me, he has had to work for the life he has.

“I’ve been on comedy club stages probably more than I’ve stood on any other kind of spot in my entire life,” C.K. said in an email he sent to subscribers. “I skipped college (still regret it), worked shitty jobs (will never regret that) and spent every single night at any comedy club in Boston I could finagle my way into. I would watch every single comedian and I would beg to get on stage.”

Now, people beg him to get on stage and never leave. A prime example as to why, is C.K.’s performance in his newest special. He transitioned flawlessly from joke to joke, but left the room to ad-lib and cater to his audience.

C.K. isn’t a slapstick comic. His jokes aren’t classy, but they’re thoughtful. His ability to switch from raunchy quip to Mark Twain quote and full circle to racist joke is unmatched. Not all of his jokes will hit all the right places for everyone, but they’re appreciable whether one finds them funny or not. Still, most of them are knee-slapping, make-your-mother-snort jokes.

“We go to a comedy club and pay a bit of money to laugh harder than we ever do anywhere else,” C.K. said.

Whoever went to one of C.K.’s performances would agree with this, but anyone who paid the small fee to watch C.K. in the comfort of their living room knows different. Louis C.K.’s newest special will make any place you watch it a place to laugh harder than we ever do.