John Oliver, a Brit with an American sense of humor

Shows like “Last Week Tonight” help people know what is going on in society without watching the news, which can sometimes be graphic or depressing.
Just like “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report,” “Last Week Tonight” shows different news in society and makes fun of or critiques it.
However, one of the main differences between “Last Week Tonight” and other shows similar to it is that the star of the show, John Oliver, is British. This gives the show a new twist compared to the other shows similar to it, which have American comedians. This makes the show more intriguing and grabs people’s attention, and it also makes the show seem funnier. Yet, using a British comedian to critique America’s problems may sound a tad spiteful, but other comedians, like Stephen Colbert, have dissed and belittled their country more times than anyone could count.
Shows like “Last Week Tonight” help people know what is going on in society without watching the news, which can sometimes be graphic or depressing. Oliver makes the situation almost entertaining. He points out how ridiculous someone or a situation in America is and makes it comical. This helps Oliver display how truly idiotic a situation or person might be.
Some of the ways he does this is by using fake commercials, profanity and making fun of other news programs.
However, the show is not perfect. Like many other news-reporting comedians, Oliver reports from a liberal standpoint. Oliver will often report news without giving its full context. He only gives a touch of the story, not necessarily letting the viewer gather an opinion.
For example, Oliver spent a great deal talking about the events going on in Ferguson, Missouri. He gave his opinion, but he never took into consideration the other side of the story. He canceled out all possible evidence that could hurt his stance on the topic, and just automatically stuck with his viewpoint.
Of course, the viewer feels as if they must agree with him because he makes a good point through different comedic gestures that gets the audience a touch off track. Yet not all the information is present, and the viewer is left with no other opinion but Oliver’s.
Even though the show has its flaws, it inevitably is hilarious. Oliver’s insults and comparisons can be childish, but they remind viewers that sometimes the issues we have in America can be silly.
“Last Week Tonight” is a great show for people who want to find out about the news and have a good laugh. Now, for those who only form their opinions from just this show alone, it’s probably best to skip out on Oliver and his antics in favor of a more traditional sources of news.
“Last Week Tonight” has been airing on HBO since April 27. It airs on HBO at 11 p.m. on Sundays.
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