Library construction to begin late summer 2012

Construction on the Scarborough-Phillips Library will not begin until late summer 2012 at the earliest, according to Library Director Pongracz Sennyey.

The St. Edward’s University administration and project managers still have six to seven months left to confirm where books, library staff, computers and study locations will be relocated and choose the best options. The new library will have fewer physical books than the current library.

Construction Plans

At the end of the upcoming spring semester, after classes and graduation, the library will start boxing up books. The library staff and about 10 percent of the most-often used books will likely be moved into Mang House.

The staff currently working in Mang House will have to move out. How and where they’ll move is unknown, but the administration is working on solutions. According to Sennyey, there are plans to demolish Mang House in the future, so the move is imminent anyway.
