Sequel expands on first installment


The family installs cameras to catch the mysteries in Paranormal Activity 2.

Once again, crowds rushed to theaters to get the thrills and chills caused by the new “Paranormal Activity” film. Audiences will be happy to know that “Paranormal Activity 2” features several creepy scenes, along with the classic noises we have come to expect but never anticipate.

In this film, a family experiences a “break-in” that causes them to install security cameras around the house. However, the events that happen afterward make the break-ins seem like something very different.

The movie starts with family home videos of the newborn Hunter, and later escalates to paranormal occurrences happening around the house.

It’s essentially required that viewers see the first “Paranormal Activity” to completely enjoy the second, as it answers questions from the first and ties the two films together in a big way.

The multiple cameras in “Paranormal Activity 2” give the audience a voyeuristic view of the house and allows them to see everything that happens instead of only seeing what the character sees, as in the original “Paranormal Activity.” The night scenes are purposefully slowed down and make viewers look around the entire scene to try to find a hint of what might happen. The eye might be fixed on a different spot when something happens, which adds to the suspense.

When deciding to watch this movie, audiences are better prepared and expect certain things to happen, like doors shutting, but that doesn’t stop men and women alike from screaming out loud.

The reason “Paranormal Activity 2” is successful is because it plays off of our fears of unexplained occurrences happening when we’re alone in the house, such as loud noises in the middle of the night, doors closing by themselves and pots falling for no apparent reason. In one of the greatest scenes in the movie, the mother runs out of the room screaming when a paranormal experience happens, and who can honestly say they wouldn’t do the same?

Overall, “Paranormal Activity 2” is worth seeing, but readers should be warned: As is the case with the original “Paranormal Activity,” “Paranormal Activity 2” is at its best when it’s watched in a theater. The environment in which the film is watched can make or break it, so don’t watch it during the day or with friends who won’t pay attention. However, in the right environment, “Paranormal Activity 2” may literally reduce viewers to tears of fear.