Cover outshines album

Alternative rock band Weezer has ridden a roller coaster of sorts since forming in 1992. From the colossal success of their self-titled debut, to last year’s dismal “Raditude,” front man Rivers Cuomo and gang have hit the highest of the highs and some truly low lows. Unfortunately, the band’s latest album, “Hurley” (“Lost” fans take note), is a roller coaster in itself.

 “Hurley” was hyped up by the band and critics as a very personal record. Cuomo said this album would have “a more raw rock energy” in an interview with Danbury, Conn. based paper the News Times.

The raw and personal characteristic of the album is obvious from the opening blast of “Memories,” the album’s first single. The track is saturated with youthful energy and features an outright scream from Cuomo.

Other high points of the album include “Trainwrecks,” one of the best songs that Weezer has put to tape in a long time. The jarring duo of tracks “Brave New World” and “Time Flies” are also impressive, showcasing a much more mature side of Weezer that fans will no doubt appreciate.   

Unfortunately, “Hurley” is a mixed bag. For each of the album’s triumphs, there are tracks on the record that are the sonic equivalent of festering, three-day-old dog feces. For example, Cuomo’s vocals sound out of key on “Ruling Me” and “Unspoken,” and “Where’s My Sex?” and “Smart Girls” sound like Spinal Tap rejects.

While “Hurley” has its golden moments, it has neither the cult appeal of “Pinkerton” nor the mainstream success of the Blue or Green albums. Unless you are a diehard fan who cannot feel whole without listening to “Hurley,” stick to cherry-picking the good stuff.