SEU alum competes on MTV reality show

 To be a contestant on MTV’s “Real World/Road Rules Challenge” requires physical and mental preparation. The show is known for intense challenges that test the limits of the players involved.

This season will bring a contestant who is a familiar face to the St. Edward’s community: 24-year-old Noor Jenhangir, a St. Edward’s alumnus and former St. Edward’s soccer player. Jenhangir graduated in December 2007 and majored in marketing. Read what he had to say about everything from the audition process to the drama that took place on the show.

Danny De Los Santos: What was your life like before you went on the show?

Noor Jenhangir: I was working at Wells Fargo as a banker.

DD: What made you go on the show?

NJ: I was up late with some buddies surfing the web back in December of 2007 when I came across the website and decided to submit a video. It was 8 p.m. and the submissions were due later that night at midnight. I made it all the way to the finals of Real World Brooklyn.

DD: What was the audition process like?

NJ: The process consists of a video and an application, then a webcam interview and then a final interview where they fly you out to L.A.

DD: How was the “Meet the Meat” challenge?

NJ: We all had already made it on the show but we had to go through a physical fitness test similar to a football combine. We were out in the woods for three days all in one tent that had holes in it, but we had to suck it up even in the rain. I won eight out of the nine challenges.

DD: Did you have any flings on the show or did you go in there strictly to play the game?

NJ: I went in with a relationship and came out with a relationship. My main goal was to make money and quit my job. I’m really competitive, and I wanted to win.

DD: How did you like working with Jen?

NJ: Jen’s awesome and extremely feisty. If I had an opportunity to go back and do it all over again, I’d keep Jen.

DD: Were you involved in any alliances?

NJ: Everything you see is a team decision. We were playing with both alliances the whole way.

DD: What were the challenges like?

NJ: Some were easy and others were really hard. I train a lot of different ways, but nothing can prepare you to hold a heavy box under water. Landon and I were the most ready guys there.

DD: How was life on the set?

NJ: We had no contact with the outside world at all. We couldn’t leave the property, and we used to be able to go on runs, and that’s how everyone would clear their heads, but they were afraid we’d get chased by a bear. I had a very big stereotype of Canada, and it really turned out to be awesome. We were on the same set where “Twilight” was filmed, so it was very much like that wooded area you see in the movie.

DD: What’s life like now that the show is done?

NJ: I got a job again with a mortgage company. Everybody from middle school is calling me up to hang out with them. It’s just a lot of support. Going downtown is a hassle now because so many people come up to me telling me I look like the guy on the show. Eighty percent guess it right the first time and 20 percent don’t. I’m also working on some stuff for the reunion show.

DD: Will we be seeing more of you on future challenges?

NJ: You will definitely be seeing more of Noor. I had a great time, and I’d love to go back if they want me to.

DD: Anything else you’d like to add?

NJ: Everyone support SEU men’s soccer!