Graphic Design kicks off Senior Exhibition

Every year, St. Edward’s University celebrates the accomplishments of graduating seniors who have studied one of three art disciplines: Graphic Design, Photocommunications and Art.

A reception on Feb. 5 began the Graphic Design Senior Exhibition, currently on display in the Fine Arts Gallery until Feb. 25. On the night of the reception, the gallery was filled with family, friends, faculty and students excited to see the products of talented seniors who have been diligently working to complete their final showcases.

On display is work from 20 Graphic Design seniors whose projects range from a mock frozen yogurt company to the marketing of a book to dream journals and design experiments. Each project is different from the next.

Senior Fernando Villanueva’s final project is a visual timeline that demonstrates rites of passage in a person’s life. He said he had to change his idea a few times before he settled on what he really wanted to create.

Villanueva said he was inspired by propaganda and quinceañeras. He usually works with prints and paper but hopes to expand his abilities to working with the Internet.

Senior Erica Bogdan said she took her inspiration from her fascination with dreams.

“I wanted to create a user-friendly journal that will help others to track down and remember their dreams,” she said.

Bogdan encourages dream journal users to find connections between real life and dreams. Her creative display includes a vanity with a mirror, giving the display a homey feel. Inside a drawer on the vanity are a number of dream journals available for people to take and use. Bogdan even provides a website that allows anyone to print a larger version of the journal.

Senior Erin Murray decided to market a book she was in the process of writing. She began writing the book, “The Blessed,” for National Novel Writing Month. Murray then realized she could use the book to create her final senior project. She designed the book cover and created a poster and CD to go along with the book.

Many seniors also have various projects they have completed throughout the year on display.

The Photocommunications Senior Exhibition will be on display March 5 to April 1, and the Art Senior Exhibition will be from April 16 to May 8.


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