Internships, Politics And Running: Freshman gets ahead on the hilltop

Ebrahimi is a part of the University of Texas’ ROTC.

“Every moment of the day has to be planned,” Arrian Ebrahimi said.

Although it’s only the fall semester of his freshman year, Ebrahimi has already been appointed as a senator with St. Edward’s Student Government Association (SGA) and is interning at Congressman Lloyd Doggett’s office.

Interning with Doggett has been a change in pace for Arrian, but it’s also allowed him to actively apply what he’s been learning in his classes.

“My internship has allowed me to feel in touch with the still distant but fast approaching world of professional work,” Ebrahimi said. As a political science and economics major, Ebrahimi dreams of attending law school in the future.

Arrian loves running, which is what led to the hard decision between running cross country or joining the University of Texas’ Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program. The ROTC program ultimately won Arrian’s heart, but he has since joined their running team to have a little of both.

“By doing ROTC as an undergrad, you can commission as an army officer,” Ebrahimi said.

After finishing law school, Arrian hopes to start his career as a Judge Advocate General officer– a precursor to being an attorney and hopefully running for office one day.

Apart from being involved in organizations that align with his career goals, Ebrahimi is also a part of the Muslim Student Association on campus.

Faith has been a big part of his life, including attending a Catholic high school.  

“Being of a different faith of the people around me has given me perspective and has generally been a pretty positive experience,” Ebrahimi said.

In order to accomplish all that Arrian does and effectively balance his time, he relies heavily on his calendar. Google Calendar has been a gift for Ebrahimi, allowing him to plan out every hour of his week.  

“Having a full, busy schedule can be tiring at times,” Ebrahimi said. “But ultimately, I enjoy being busy and the satisfaction it brings at the end of every week having accomplished a lot.”

While Ebrahimi’s involvement moves him towards his career goals, his father did not support him getting an undergraduate degree in political science out of fear that he would have a hard time finding a job if he were to change his mind about law school. Ebrahimi’s father believes that a political science degree is not in high demand, as opposed to a degree like computer science.

However, Ebrahimi’s strong love for politics continues to lead him in pursuit of his passions. This pursuit forced Ebrahimi to figure out a way to pay for college on his own.

With the help of the Moreau Scholarship, Ebrahimi can make this possible as he chases his dreams at St. Edward’s, while experiencing the political realm by being in the capital city.

Those familiar with Ebrahimi speak highly of his unrelenting pursuit.

“In the small amount of time I’ve known him, he’s shown a genuine enthusiasm to help other people and do good work,” fellow member of SGA Celine Cottenoir said.