Topper Tats: Music acts as inspiration for student’s ink

For junior Briley Dockery, a long-loved album from the band He is Legend acted as inspiration for her most recent tattoo. On both her wrists, Dockery sports blue designs that she refers to as “curly smile.”


Dockery works at a Girl Scout camp during the summers and sometimes likes to convince the young girls that her “curly q” tattoos are birthmarks.


While the original design on the album cover is in gold, Dockery chose to have her tattoo blue because she is known for her “copious amounts of close.”


The third piece of body art displayed on Dockery’s body is a realistic portrayal of a 1960’s era Yashica Lynx 35 mm camera that she’s owned since high school.


Dockery, who is majoring in photo communications and has a dream to photograph for AP magazine, has great respect for the camera that inspired the tattoo.

“It’s beautiful and hefty, and the weight of it feels good in your hands,” Dockery said.


Dockery doesn’t believe that she will regret her tattoos, and she even maintains that it could give her an advantage in her old age.

“Everyone else is going to be old too, but at least I’ll be old and colorful.”