Campus ministry plans events to celebrate Year of the Brother

More than just a mid-semester holiday, Founder’s Day marks a time for students and faculty to celebrate St. Edward’s University’s Holy Cross heritage.

Campus Ministry has planned several events that will take place before and after the holiday to usher in the Year of the Brother, which celebrates the one-year anniversary of the canonization of St. Brother Andre.

“The Year of the Brother celebrates the vocation of the Brother throughout the entire congregation in all 17 countries, as well as celebrating those here at St. Edward’s and their contribution to the University,” said Brother Larry Atkinson, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry and the coordinator of the Founder’s Day events.

The first event planned is the Feast of St. Edward – King and Confessor, which serves as the Patronal Feast of St. Edward’s University. A noon Mass will occur on Oct. 13 in Our Lady, Queen of Peace Chapel. It will also serve to honor the university’s founder, Edward Sorin.

Additionally, Founder’s Day marks the return of the Founder’s Service Project. Campus Ministry will collaborate with Social Justice and Service Outreach, the primary student service organization on campus, to provide students an opportunity to serve with different service organizations throughout the city. Atkinson emphasized the importance that service plays in the celebration.

“Service is an important way to express our gratitude for those who have come before us,” he said.

The Founder’s Service Project takes place on Oct. 22 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m., and students meet in the Alumni Gym.

While there are only two events planned for Founder’s Day, Atkinson said that it is meant to keep the focus on the kickoff of the Year of the Brother and that Campus Ministry is planning more events as the year goes on.

Atkinson encourages students to get involved in the events that are going on over the next few weeks because it is a great way to pay tribute to those who made the university what it is today.

“I think it’s important to understand our history, particularly those who worked so hard to give us what we have now at the university,” he said.

Founder’s Day is Oct. 14, and like always, all classes will be cancelled.