‘Mad Men’ on Netflix provides drama, romance, peek into lives of ‘ad men’

With the start of the New Year, many like-minded people have begun to participate in an exciting and challenging ritual: making New Year’s resolutions. Many of these promises consist of bettering oneself by eating healthier or exercising more often or reading more books.

And unfortunately, as the year progresses, we find ourselves forgetting or simply giving up our resolutions because “life” gets in the way, or we find that pizza is more important than exercise.

Whatever our reasons, our resolutions somehow find their way to the bottom of our priority list. Yet, instead of devolving into a depressing spiral of self-loathing, we are able to find comfort in a single thing: Netflix– a site that allows us the opportunity to revise our resolutions and devote our time and energy to a better source.

Netflix provides a variety of wonderful and enticing shows that are as equally satisfying as eating healthy. One show in particular that should captivate us in this way is the brilliant, although often overlooked program, “Mad Men.”

This is a series that follows the life of “Ad Men” in the 1960s. During this time period, advertising agencies were at their peak of popularity as they provided their employees with a glamorous lifestyle in New York City on Madison Avenue (hence the name “Mad” Men).

While providing a viewpoint through which the audience may observe the professional life of advertising, this show also depicts the habits of a traditional, white, suburban-dwelling family. It contains the drama of the home and of the office in a single 45-minute increment.

Primetime Emmy-Award-winning actor Jon Hamm plays the main character, Don Draper.

Draper is the creative genius behind many of the advertisements produced by his company while also being a proud husband and father of two children.

His wife, played by January Jones, portrays the role of a typical suburban housewife whose only concern is deciding what she should cook for dinner in the evening.

The relationship between these two seeks to take a closer look at the sexist and occasional adulterous actions that people of this time period indulged in.

This show attempts to display the rather reckless and carefree attitude that many men within this profession became “infected” with as they led their lavish lifestyles in the big city. They could find themselves ontop of the world with no one to answer to but themselves, and then turn around just as quickly to find themselves in the quiet suburbs with a loving wife and children to care for.

This dynamic and fast-paced behavior consistently leads to disastrous consequences throughout the show. The series leads its audience on a roller coaster of emotions ranging from admiration to frustration to shock all in a single episode.

The acting, writing and production have all been widely acclaimed by critics as the show has won 16 Emmys and five Golden Globes. It caters to the desires of all TV watchers; whether we watch for the drama, the romance or the cinematography, it is a program that serves every TV watching need.

This New Year, devote time and energy to stepping into the chaotic lives of these characters.

Just watching their disastrously wonderful routines may help downplay the guilt of the simple act of giving up a resolution.