Convent should be created to offer female version of Moreau House

Moreau House is a quaint little building located adjacent to the Fine Arts Building. The house is home to the brothers of the Holy Cross and 11 male student residents — “Moreau men.” This community is a hidden gem on campus.

The community built by the brothers of the Holy Cross and the students who live with them are truly admirable. But what about the girls?

In an interview with Hilltop Views, House Director Brother Larry Atkinson gushed about the community he leads.

“The goal of the house is to provide young men at St. Edward’s University the opportunity to grow together spiritually through community and service,” Atkinson said.

As amazing as this sounds, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy towards these “Moreau men.”

Aside from the obvious benefit of a home-cooked meal each day, these men get the opportunity to sit under the wise teachings and leadership of great men who have done wonderful things in their communities and serve in very important leadership roles within the university. 

They get to learn about commitment and dedication to others.

By living at the Moreau House, these 11 men are gaining an experience that cannot be compared to any other St. Edward’s University experience.

I can only want the same for the ladies of St. Edward’s.

I understand that having a bunch of 20-something-year-old girls living with older male priests might look inappropriate. But in that case, there should be an equivalent for females.

I propose that St. Edward’s builds a convent in which a few female students can live with the nuns and learn some of the same values of community and service. 

Girls would also benefit from this unique experience by learning to cook, clean and learn some of the same skills that the Moreau men are currently learning.

Girls would not be the only ones to benefit from having a convent. 

I am quite sure that many students will appreciate the authenticity of having  actual nuns at a Catholic university.

By instituting this convent, we can honor the gender regulations and still provide equal opportunity to the boys and girls of St. Edward’s.