Senior Farewell: Riana Soobadoo

There’s not been one Monday night where I haven’t walked out of Andre Hall past 12 a.m. and not told Jacob Sanchez, “I quit, see you never.”

I never did, but in my head I quit 10 times over.

I’m probably going to miss Monday nights as much as I will the Andre Hall bathrooms … but I’ll definitely miss working with such a dedicated and passionate group of people.

Shout out to my awesome co-workers for keeping me sane — Raneem Ashrawi especially. Thanks for covering my butt on so many Monday nights when I’ve been out of town for soccer. You’re the real MVP, and I couldn’t have asked to work with a better co-editor.

Thank you to the writers who turned their stories in on time; you made life so easy.

Thank you to those people who acknowledge that we even have a school newspaper; we appreciate it.

Shout out to Jacob and Lyanne for stepping up the game this semester. I admire the work you both put in and you do amazing jobs!

Lastly, a big shout out goes to Jena Heath.

I’ve never told you this, but I never thought I had what it took to be News Editor. Thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone and for giving me this opportunity and believing in me. You’ve taught me so much over the past four years and you are an absolute legend!