Electric vehicles deserve own parking spaces throughout Austin


Whole Foods is one place where electric cars can be charged.

A new spot has been added to parking lots around Austin. Drivers of electric cars can now enjoy the parking privileges previously reserved only for those cars that sport handicap stickers.

While parking in parking spots specifically reserved for disabled individuals, not only warrants the side eye, but can lead to towing and major parking fees, electric car parking spots have merely been a placeholder, and oil guzzling cars pay no attention.

This could change, however, as Austin lawmakers consider instituting laws that fine non-electric cars who park in electric car parking spots.

As America seeks to reduce its monstrous carbon footprint, electric cars and other alternative energy vehicles are slowly beginning to take over the country. But should these green superheroes be awarded for their effort to save the beautiful for spacious skies? The answer is yes.

Drivers of electric cars have to deal with so many problems.

While there is a gas station on every corner of every street, there are only 185 electric stations at 72 locations in the city of Austin. Many of these stations are located in the parking spots, so taking a parking spot reserved for an electric car is like someone coming around and taking your gas pump.

The limited resources are almost nothing when compared to the state of inferiority thrust upon electric car owners. Texas drivers laugh at the small size of the cute compact size of electric cars. The notion that real men only drive trucks that get two miles on the gallon is constantly advertised.

This fight between electric car owners and “normal” cars is not new. In fact, this war is bigger than the owners themselves, and goes up to the people who run America— the oil industry.

In Chris Paine’s 2006 documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?” audiences witness how the oil industry suppressed the electric car movement in California. Now in 2014, the grip of the oil moguls has lessened, and some companies have decided to join the movement. However, the electric car is still a helpless victim as America tries to wean itself off oil.

Well, it is time to end the bullying of gas-guzzlers. Just because oil industries are going through an identity crisis as they run out of their black gold, we cannot continue to allow the discrimination against owners of electric cars.

The City of Austin should make a city ordinance that fines and tows gasoline-fueled cars for parking in electric car only parking spots. These green Samaritans deserve their own parking spot, especially because these parking spots also serve as charging stations.

If someone doesn’t like this, the easy thing to do is go buy an electric car. This can feed their need for special attention while saving the planet.

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