Christie frontrunner for White House, Clinton highest hurdle

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently won reelection, prompting many people to label him as the front-runner for the Republican Party’s 2016 presidential nomination. Christie has a good chance of becoming the next commander-in-chief, but he has two obstacles: the primary and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

While the governor has the front-runner status right now, that could erode away once he and other Republicans announce their intentions to run for president. There are many Republicans who can easily snatch Christie’s status away such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Just because Christie may be the front-runner now, does not mean he will win the nomination.

If Cruz and other conservatives jump into the race, there is no doubt that the candidates will have to move even more to the right, taking very conservative stances. This could kill the eventual nominee’s chance during the general election.

Christie is seen as a moderate, but this could hurt him during the primary too. Some prominent Republicans are questioning him on his conservatism.

Recently Texas Gov. Rick Perry even questioned him during an interview with ABC News.

“Is a conservative in New Jersey a conservative in the rest of the country?” Perry said.

Perry is right to question Christie’s conservative values. However, this is coming from the person who could not remember one of the three agencies he would eliminate if he became president.

Now if Christie survives the primary, he will have to face the Democratic nominee who will most likely be Clinton. Winning the White House against her will be a very hard fight for Christie. According to an exit poll during New Jersey’s election, Clinton would win the state against Christie in 2016. The campaign may be very hard, but Christie could win.

Of course a major factor in the 2016 race will be how Obama’s second term is viewed. If voters think the president has had a good term then the beneficiary will be Clinton. If his term is viewed badly, then Clinton may be dragged down by her former rival. However, even if Obama’s second term is bad, Clinton can still dodge her association with the president by saying she was part of his first term not his second term.

There is still the possibility that Clinton decides not to run, causing many voters to take a closer look at Christie and truly consider him for the presidency. Many of these voters looking at Christie are going to be Democrats who are disappointed the former first lady did not run. If Christie can get some Democrats to vote for him— in the absence of Clinton— then there is no doubt that he will win in 2016.