Senior Farewell: Jonathan Coker

I’m not really good at saying goodbye, so I am going to try and keep this as short and as snark-free a boy like me can possibly manage.

Simply put, working with Hilltop Views was one of the most rewarding experiences I had during my time at St. Edward’s. Through Hilltop Views, I was able to develop as a writer, editor and an individual.

Thank you to Jacob and Brooke (and Samantha Mendoza) for feeding me on Monday nights after I ran out of meal plan back in September. You are truly beautiful individuals. Thank you to Val for offering me Advil that one time (I really did appreciate it). Thank you to Shelby and Kelsey for being amazingly dedicated news editors, the likes this paper has never seen before.

Thank you to Hannah for turning our website into a real website. Thank you to Cindy for keeping our ads in check. Thank you to Lisa and Andrew for knowing what’s up with InDesign. Thank you to Travis for mastering a sass that rivals my own without ever looking up from his Nintendo DS. Thank you to Jenna Jaco for being Jenna Jaco. There is only one of you.

Thank you to Professor Jena Heath for her mad journalism wisdom as well as her numerous informative e-mails (seriously, never stop informing the youth). And thank you to the entire staff for the Avril Lavigne sing along. It was punk rock while it lasted.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who ever read, picked up, or skimmed an issue of Hilltop Views. We make this newspaper for you.

Keep trying, keep transcending, and keep evolving. I’m out.