Revival of Bull Moose Party, dead presidents to reform Capitol


President Barack Obama returning to the White House in Washington, D.C.. 

The Senate and President Barack Obama were able to avert a crisis once again. 

I am proud of them, particularly the president; I really am. This whole shutdown business should not have happened in the first place, though.

I long for the simpler days of practical government with an emphasis on making decisions. 

What we need is a new party, or a few of them, that has some intelligent politicians with an in-depth understanding of how America should be run. With this new system in place, the U.S. could be great again.

So, this is my proposition: first, we bring back the Bull Moose Party! It is just what the nation needs. 

This party is common-sense and pragmatic, qualities lacking among the fiery red donkeys and the big blue elephants that squabble in the capital all day. 

I know, I know, that party has been dead since 1916. But we live in a time of retrofitting and cultural mash-ups, so why not bring it back?

I also nominate wire, circle-frame glasses and watch chains on vests for next year’s hot fashion trend to make sure our good ole’ Progressive Bull Moose party gets an identifier among all the hip, new progressives that will surely be adopting it.

With our new party in place, and an obvious majority among the voting-age youth and chill old people, there will be a Bull Moose majority in Congress and the Senate in just a few years. 

It only makes sense, since the Reformed Bull Moose Party of the 21st Century ,official title, will be the only party proposing laws that would actually concern normal citizens.

By the time the next presidential election comes around, experts predict that the Republican and Democratic parties will have gone down one of two roads. 

One prediction is they will all shoot each other in an old-fashioned blindfolded duel, a la Aaron Burr. 

Another one is both parties lose all principles and become reduced to simply blocking each other’s moves constantly in an effort to gain control over the capitol and to spite the other party. Oh, wait…gratuitous picture moment.

With our progressive majority in place by 2016, there will come the moment that will define a generation and bring the United States back to its former glory. 

Through the magic of technology, and a massive fund raising program supported by Bull Moose shortbread cookies, a hologram Theodore Roosevelt will run for election.

Just think about it: one of the nation’s greatest presidents is resurrected and ready to take the reins, just like he did 100 years ago. The tech aspect will certainly appeal to millennials, and the shrewd fiscal policies and sympathetic human rights policies will appeal to everyone else. It is a win-win par excellence.

By 2036, holographic presidents and revived historical parties will become the norm. 

Hologram Abraham Lincoln, hologram George Washington and hologram Dwight D. Eisenhower will all follow the historical first term of hologram Teddy Roosevelt. 

The nation will be caught up in revivalist fever, exemplified by the transition of the military to a massive Civil War reenactment troupe and the new popularity of powdered wigs and baroque chamber music set off by the Washington administration.

Americans will be motivated by hologram Washington to throw all of their tea into Boston Harbor, eventually.

Clearly, this is the only way we could ever stop the fighting on Capitol Hill that has been going on since the late 1990s. 

If we don’t like an administration, we could just skip forward or backward a few decades and find the right man and politics for the job at hand.