Senior Farewell: Mitch Harris

Mitch Harris as Mr. SEU 2013

One of the rules of being an editor of the Hilltop Views is that you can never mention your name or have your own picture in the paper.  Now I would like to take this opportunity to mention my name and show my photo as much as possible. 

Mitch Harris will now list his favorite and least favorite aspects of St. Edward’s University in a column he would like to call shout outs and shade.

Shout outs- Hilltop Views, MMNT, The Fab 14, the BGC, free t-shirts, the Ragsdale cafeteria staff, Pax the goat, the bluebonnets on campus, the secret underground city beneath Hunt, Belgian Bombers, Transit Theatre Troupe, Team Action, Campus Ministry SBEs, New Student Orientation, and Wild Basin Nature Preserve.

Shade- That guy at the coffee shop that did not know what an Americano was, all bathrooms in Andre Hall, SGA, the nesters of Duj, that tree disease that ravaged campus, the new science building, the missing library of 2012-2013, and that sushi that gave me food poisoning once.

Mitch Harris is endlessly grateful for his time here at St. Edward’s and the Hilltop Views in particular.

Mitch Harris, Mitch Harris, Mitch Harris, Mitch Harris, Mitch Harris, Mitch Harris.