Senior Farewell: Lesli Simms

Lesli Simms was a Copy Editor for HTV.

Lesli Simms was a Copy Editor for HTV.

I have tried to build a legacy as a copy editor. Well, less of a legacy and more of one woman eternal campaign against the Oxford comma. Also, I became advocate to victims of comma abuse. People really abuse and misuse the comma.

Anyway, working for the newspaper has been an amazing constant in my life. Everyone on staff is royalty in my eyes. 

Everyone on campus should support the Hilltop Views. 

Shout out to: The staff in Ragsdale and Johnson Hall. The view from the third floor girl’s bathroom in Fleck. The chocolate croissants from Jo’s. Texenza. The English literature department because we have gone unrecognized for FAR too long. The big Kit Kat bars. The bunch of awesome adjunct professors I had. 

Shade upon: The thing where people pretend to be homeless in front of the bookstore. To every person who approved “Eggs on Negs.” The backless chairs in the International Lab. Premont Hall. The architecture and a majority of the residents in Teresa Hall in 2009-10 . 

Jonathan better sing “I Was Here” at my wedding.