SXSW Film: Drinking Buddies

After watching “Sideways,” I felt compelled to go on a journey around Napa Valley to try every single different bottle of wine I could get my hands on. After seeing “Drinking Buddies,” I felt compelled to give beer another shot. (Bad pun, I know.) “Drinking Buddies” has this infectious realism to it that kept me compelled the entire time, and usually Mumblecore movies like this put me to sleep. I still won’t forgive Mark Duplass for “Cyrus” and “Jeff, Who Lives at Home.” The plot centers around Jake Johnson and Olivia Wilde, two grown-ups living their dream jobs of working and managing a microbrewery. Their friendship is tested, however, when they embark on a trip to the woods on a double date of sorts. One nagging complaint I had in the movie was the character played by Ron Livingston having seemingly no emotion whatsoever. One minute he seems like a totally nice, if not milquetoast, boyfriend, and the next we are hankering for his head because he made a cuckold out of our lead protagonist. Overall, if what you seek is a naturally-sounding and -acted melodrama with more humor than anything else, you will be incredibly satisfied with “Drinking Buddies.”