Firstyears: Time

Deadlines, clocks ticking, moments passing, seconds gone, whichever way you look at it time is not on my side. Since freshman year began, it’s been a race against the clock. Class, meals, friends, parties, homework, showering, work and sleep must all fit into a 24-hour period.

Once the cycle ends, I do it all over again the moment my alarm clock goes off at seven every morning. Adjusting to being my own boss has been a puzzle of priorities, and getting the right combination of work and play is the key to staying sane. I’ve already fallen victim to the alluring habit of hanging out with friends, postponing assignments, staying up all night (not studying) and waking up late for class.

Three days in a row, I have woken up three minutes before class, rushed out the door and made it to class in a cloud of disgruntled clothes, flying papers and bad excuses. This definitely isn’t what I pictured when thinking about “college