Money can’t buy Bloomberg a presidential nomination in 2020
Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia Commons
Bloomberg officially announced his presidential candidacy on Nov. 24, 2019. He spent roughly $188 million during the first few weeks of his campaign, according to a spending report filed with the Federal Elections Commission.
Since former Republican mayor and guy-who-does-not-know-how-to-pet-dogs Michael Bloomberg first announced his presidential campaign last November, he has quickly outspent his Democratic opponents.
Bloomberg has spent over $250 million in campaign ads. In comparison, fellow billionaire and professional clown Tom Steyer has spent over $47 million, while Bernie Sanders, one of the front runners in the Democratic race, has spent around $40 million in ads, according to the organization Open Secrets.
These numbers become more interesting when you pair them with each candidate’s polling numbers. Sanders has been strongly polling at around 27%, placing him in first place in many polls. Bloomberg, on the other hand, does not reach double digits, and Steyer barely shows up in the polls.
Bloomberg is not a Democrat, and it is infuriating that many centrist Democrats who claim that Sanders “is not a Democrat” have turned around to support Bloomberg. Let us not forget that Bloomberg ran for mayor as a Republican because it was convenient for him.
While serving as the Mayor of New York, he pushed for “stop-and-frisk” policing, which is highly ineffective and racially profiles individuals. While Bloomberg has apologized for “stop-and-frisk” policing, his apology feels disingenuous and comes off as an attempt to court African-American voters.
Bloomberg is not a candidate that the Democratic party should get behind. His behavior is eerily similar to the reality-star turned president in the 2016 election. Money should not be a credential to positions of power.
Bloomberg bought his way into this election; his actions show his disregard for what voters want. He believes, not unlike the current occupant of the White House, that money will buy him the election. Voters cannot let this go on.
Voters need to reject any billionaire who thinks that they can stroll into the White House solely because they have enough money to buy a Super Bowl Ad. Billionaires have evaded taxes and fermented a system that empowers the rich and powerful while throwing hardworking families under the bus.
If Bloomberg really cared about passing meaningful legislation for the benefit of the country, he should put his money where his mouth is and focus on state and congressional elections. A president without the support of congress will not be able to operate effectively and create the change that all the Democratic candidates have stated they strive for.