Choosing not to vote keeps America divided under Trump’s presidency
Gracie Watt / Creative Commons
Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in six key 2020 swing states, according to a new CNBC/Change Research poll.
As the 2020 election approaches, Americans are faced with a grueling decision: should I vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Many would say neither.
Biden is currently favored over Trump at 51% in the presidential polls, yet struggles to gain steady support amidst his troublesome past, including sexual assault allegations by former aide Teara Reade, and rising concerns on his platform – primarily police and race reform. However, voting for Biden provides more hope for America’s future than not voting at all.
If you choose not to vote, you’re complacent to the problems that have intensified under Trump’s presidency.
Trump’s approval rating is around 43% while his disapproval rate is only rising. This rise could be accredited to Trump’s divisive, racially-motivated responses to COVID-19, Black Lives Matter protests and the downturn of our economy. His ongoing controversies with tax returns and sexual assault allegations regarding 25 women also contribute to his low approval rating.
Racial and social unrest among Americans is at its peak, and we’ve grown tired of having our protests for basic human rights fall on deaf ears. The Trump administration has proven in these past few months alone their reluctance to fulfill their promise to “Make America Great Again” – even for their supporters.
The only option we have left is to vote for the change we seek.
On the other hand, Biden isn’t left-leaning voters’ candidate by choice; the reluctance to vote for Biden solely because he’s not Trump is understandable. His insensitive comments continue to alienate voters along racial lines, especially Black voters. In an interview on the radio show The Breakfast Club, Biden said: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
While Biden’s comments are disheartening and unforgivable, Trump’s presidency has evoked an inexplicable amount of fear and violence within our nation that we cannot allow to continue as long as we are physically able to vote.
There’s no other choice but these two candidates, and it’s in our best interest to not repeat the 2016 election. An eerie similarity in young voters being opposed to both presidential candidates led us to our current issues. Voter turnouts almost hit their lowest rate at 53.5%. Only 13% of voters below 30-years-old voted. This voter demographic makes up 37% of eligible voters in 2020.
Just because the favorable candidates for Democratic nominee – Sen. Bernie Sanders or Beto O’Rourke – aren’t on the ballot shouldn’t discourage voting; both are endorsing Biden’s campaign. Our young voices arguably matter the most, and Biden recognizes this by creating the Instagram campaign – #askusanything2020.
This generation talks about how much voting matters and the effects of not voting, and we’re certainly old enough to uphold this responsibility as Americans. It’s okay to settle for Biden after living in Trump’s America. We need to get registered to vote, find the nearest polling place (or register for mail-in voting) and take action for the change this country desperately needs.
This is our chance, so why not take it?

I'm Taheera Washington, and I'm one of the Newsletter Editors! I'm a senior majoring in Writing & Rhetoric with a concentration in Creative Writing...