Club volleyball building on successful first season

Club volleyball was founded during the spring of 2013.

The St. Edward’s Women’s Club Volleyball team is one of the newest club organizations on campus. Founded in the spring of 2013, it has been active for just over a year.

“I don’t think people realize it’s not as easy as grabbing some friends and forming an intramural team,” Andy Lemons, director of Campus Recreation said. “Running a club sport successfully takes a special kind of student leader willing to put in 15-20 hours off the court or field to build your team and complete the tasks set forth to make the experience successful.”

Starting a club team from the ground up requires dedicated officers. The Club Volleyball team President is junior Samantha Oakes and Vice President is junior Sarah Menicucci, who take care of not only recruiting members; but fundraising, scheduling games, paying league dues, scheduling officials, and a host of other activities that come with running a successful team.

“Of all the student leaders on campus, I think Club Sport Officers are the most underappreciated for the amount of time and effort they put into providing these opportunities to their fellow students,” Lemons said.

The work that Oakes and Menicucci have put in to building a strong team has resulted in what team members, such as freshman blocker Reina Evans, feel is a supportive environment that is greatly valued.

“As a freshman coming from out of state, it has been very important to have this sort of support system,” Evans said. “I could not imagine having a more successful first year experience without the help of these phenomenal ladies.”

Even though the team hasn’t had the winning outcome they would like, they are looking forward to continue practicing together and growing as a team.

“We haven’t won every single game, but I know I can speak for myself and probably everyone else when I say that it’s been a lot of fun playing,” freshman right side hitter Faith Robbins said.

Being that the club is new, nearly half the team consists of freshman this year, and they look forward to growing as a team in the future.

“Overall I’m most proud of how we turned our individual strengths into a collectively stronger team,” Evans said. “Everyone on the team has something to offer to add to the success of our team as a whole, from technical volleyball knowledge to a positive attitude.”

Lemons hopes the girls in this club create life long memories and friends that tie them to the SEU Community years after they have graduated.

“I think the best part about being on the team is the people in it,” senior returning player Rachel Caldarera said. “Along with being able to come two nights a week and blow odd some steam and know that you knave a group of girls who will have your back and help you whenever you need it.”