Constitutional Amendments: Let’s leave politics in the waiting room

The United States Constitution has been amended just 27 times. Recently, some lawmakers have proposed several amendments, including a balanced budget amendment and repealing a portion of the 14th Amendment.

Though my political ideals generally lean left, I came up with something that both the left and right should support. I propose that the United States pass a constitutional amendment stating, “No state or federal legislation shall prevent or intentionally make difficult the acquisition of any legal medical procedure.”

In theory, Republicans like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., an optometrist, should love this measure. Throughout last year’s health care debate, Republicans repeatedly voiced concerns about keeping government hands out of individuals’ health care, which is exactly what this amendment would accomplish. It would keep the government out of all citizens’ health care decisions — whether politicians like their choices or not.

That is what Republicans are all about, right? Freedom for individuals to make their own choices without government getting in the way? Surely Republicans can get behind that. However, they would have to back off their recent nationwide assault against women’s reproductive rights.

Republicans may not like it but, as it stands, abortion is a legal medical procedure. The only people who have any place determining which procedures they should undergo are the individuals receiving medical care and their doctors. Following that logic, Republicans have no place bringing their political ideals in patient examination rooms.

It is imperative that we safeguard all citizens’ right to obtain the medical procedures they need—including abortion. This amendment is not concerned with the morality of abortion or any other medical procedure. If anyone from either political party has a moral problem with abortion, they can work to overturn Roe v. Wade and outlaw it, but that is a separate matter. This amendment simply aims to eliminate legislative discrimination against any legal medical procedure. As long as abortion remains legal, Republicans need to quit playing doctor and let women make their own choices.