People gathered in front of the capitol on June 25, 2022 to participate in the Texas Rise Up for Abortion Rights’ “Everything, but the Kitchen Sink” protest shortly after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
As students head back to campus for another semester, many are still left with the sting of summer as they try to make sense of the recent Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade. Texas began a reign of trigger laws banning abortion within the state shortly after the court’s decision went public, making access to healthcare options and contraceptives difficult for Texas natives. During a time that could’ve been spent gathering tan lines, accomplishing DIY projects or other leisurely activities, many spent the summer on the steps of the capitol protesting for reproductive rights.
“Our dreams are too big for their ballot boxes! This is only the beginning of the fight, and we won’t back down easy,” shouted the Rise Up for Abortion organizers as they prepped the crowd to march to the Mayor’s mansion and demand safe and legal abortions be accessible within the state of Texas. The crowd swelled with emotion holding signs overhead and cheering in agreement. (Kennady Basdekis-Morin)Father and daughter join the masses as the march begins, timidly but ever so confidently, the little girl takes the megaphone and shouts, “My body, my choice!” Her eyes lit up as the crowd praised her courage and whimsical attitude. A cross-generational moment was unfolding before their eyes n the way to the mayor’s mansion as old and young banded together in protest.(Kennady Basdekis-Morin)Protesters beat pots and pans as a martial song during their chants, demanding the federal government step in before people die from the strict bans eradicating safe, legal abortions. (Kennady Basdekis-Morin)People began to form a line in front of the heavily policed mayor’s mansion, where protesters were met with semi-automatic dressed officers and blank stares as they lost their voices, crying out, “Don’t you have mothers? Daughters? Sisters? People, you love? Who protects them?” (Kennady Basdekis-Morin)Once past the Mayor’s mansion, demonstrators took to the streets chanting, “Forget the church, forget the state, only we decide our fate,” as they marched down Congress Avenue. Onlookers joined in with the crowd or recorded from the sidelines via their smartphones. Cars, pedestrians and downtown festivities halted as the movement became a sea of people fighting for their reproductive rights. (Kennady Basdekis-Morin)Once back at the capitol, people discussed the next steps and when the next protest would be, knowing that this was the first of many marches. “It was an emotional experience and one I intend to tell my grandkids someday,” said one protester who asked to remain anonymous. (Kennady Basdekis-Morin)
Kennady Basdekis-Morin is a Senior Photo-communications major minoring in Journalism and Graphic Design.
She considers herself a student of life, learning...
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