Topper Radio and Students for Sustainability (SFS) joined forces to host a sweet s’mores night event Nov. 14. Students, like Mackenzie Lewis (left) and Elliana Guadardo , flocked to the SFS community garden to roast marshmallows over a fire and take in the stars with a soundtrack that perfectly fit the event. After a busy week, students could unwind over the smoky fire.
“I had a very stressful week, and I was like, you know what? Might as well go get s’mores while I’m at it,” attendee Guadardo said. “(The community garden) is very close to where I’m living. So just walking down here, this wasn’t inconvenient at all, so it was more for fun.” (Emma Sutton / Hilltop Views)

“The s’mores event is an annual event that we do, honestly every semester,” Collard said. “It’s been going since I’ve been a freshman, and it’s a really fun event that a lot of people turn out to. We get to know the people who are interested in what we’re doing and talk to them and get to know them a little bit on a closer level. So, it’s a really fun community building event that I think we all look forward to every year.” (Emma Sutton / Hilltop Views)

“During our time of reaching out to musicians, we were unable to find anything,” Topper Radio President Uma Dietzel said. “Usually, since we are a pretty small radio station and club, we aren’t able to afford paying a lot of artists since a lot of the money that we are saving up right now is for our upcoming music festival in the spring, Goat Fest. So, most of the money that we will need for them will go to pay artists then.” (Emma Sutton / Hilltop Views)

“I kind of wing it, honestly,” Topper Radio graphic designer and videographer Jacob Lopez said. “I prefer it a little more crispy, but that could also make it a little more difficult to pull off the stick. It has to be burnt. It has to be pretty charred. I’m more of a bitter taste guy.” (Emma Sutton / Hilltop Views)

“Collaboration in any way you can is always good in my opinion,” Zivin said. “But for a situation like this – I think (at) St. Ed’s, a lot of times people get kind of stuck in their disciplines or in their groups – it’s good to sort of merge and mix, building better community, interdisciplinary kind of thinking, expanding new ideas.” (Emma Sutton / Hilltop Views)
Aggie Guevara • Nov 28, 2024 at 2:01 am
Good insight Emma!