Club Sports: Women’s lacrosse brings students together on campus

Sienna Wight

The women’s club lacrosse team allows students from all different walks of life to come together and play a team sport with fellow students. Whether you have years of experience or no experience at all the team continues to welcome players with open arms.

St. Edward’s women’s club lacrosse won their first game of the season on March 5 against Tarleton State University. The season began in February and continues through May, with opportunities for players to improve their skills and stamina and to travel with their teammates. 

Lacrosse is a club sport at St. Edward’s, providing students with the opportunity to stay active and engage with other members of the community. Students of all backgrounds are welcome, whether they’ve never touched a lacrosse stick or they grew up in cleats.  

“Most people are beginners,” midfield player Cat Ridge said. “It’s a really good environment for learning and improving.”

Ridge played lacrosse throughout high school and has scored the most points for the team so far this season. Although she has a background in lacrosse, Ridge hadn’t played since before the pandemic and was anxious about returning to the sport. However, the lacrosse club was the perfect environment for her to get reacclimated. 

“Everyone was so welcoming and made it super easy and comfortable for me,” Ridge said. “The coaches are really knowledgeable and create a fun environment where everyone is having fun and laughing, but we’re getting stuff done and working on skills, too.”

Another newcomer this season is sophomore Carol Aguirre. Unlike Ridge, Aguirre had no background in lacrosse but found it to be a very welcoming environment that allowed her to grow her skills without judgment. 

“It’s so fun, everyone’s friends with each other and everyone always supports [each other],” Aguirre said. 

Playing for the lacrosse club doesn’t require a huge time commitment, with three days of practice per week along with games on the weekends. According to Ridge, both her teammates and herself fit lacrosse into their varying schedules with ease. 

“I don’t think it’s too difficult to have lacrosse as a part of an already pretty hectic schedule,” Ridge said. “Personally, I just have homework and work a few days a week, and lacrosse fits in very easily.”

The club also provides members with the opportunity to travel. The team often makes trips to other universities for away games, making for some of the most memorable parts of the season for players. 

“My favorite moment so far this season was when we traveled to Lubbock for a few games,” Ridge said. “We ended up winning one, which was so awesome. Tons of people scored goals in the game, so it was just a very exciting and fun environment.”

The club ranked fourth in their division during the 2019 season and are currently ranked eighth in the nation. Although the team is currently a member of the WCLA in TWLL Division 2, their long-term plans include a promotion to the NCAA as a recognized varsity team. 

No matter the outcome of the game, the team supports and uplifts one another, keeping morale and appreciation high. 

“Something that I found really wholesome is after the games, instead of just going out of the field, we go to our goalie and everyone gets together to celebrate the ending of the game,” Aguirre said. “That’s something really nice.”