Gianni Zorrilla, Editor-in-Chief
Hey everyone! My name is Gianni Zorrilla. I study communication and journalism and digital media here at St. Edward’s and am one of the Editors-in-Chief of Hilltop Views. I have previously served as the Life and Arts Editor and a staff writer. I discovered pretty early on that writing is my passion. It wasn't until college that I realized journalism is my medium, and I've been doing it ever since. As a New Yorker-turned Texan journalist, I get to exercise this passion every day.
As a senior in college, it's interesting to reflect on professional experiences that have culminated into something so constructive and worthwhile. I once read that journalism is simply throwing yourself into uncomfortable situations over and over again — this couldn't be more true. And it couldn't be farther from a bad thing, either. Journalism has brought me out of my shell in unimaginable ways. It's strengthened my hunger for the truth and my appreciation for human connection tremendously. It's grounded me in my identity as a young woman of color. It's made me a more disciplined, driven and devoted worker.
I'm in love with a lot of things: music, words, people, places — you name it. I hope to share these loves through quality storytelling. Here is my work. Whether it inspires, informs or simply interests you, I hope it makes an impact in some way.